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Upgrading and expansion of the Kaeppala wastewater treatment plant. Operational experiences and results




Kaeppala Association has the responsibility to receive and treat wastewater from 11 municipalities situated just north of Stockholm in Sweden. Running a tunnel system, 60 km long, and a treatment plant meets this responsibility. The plant is situated in Lidingo, northeast of Stockholm. The load 2002 corresponds to about 520,000 p.e. During the 1990s the plant was upgraded and expanded to meet an increasing population and more stringent discharge limits. Nitrogen removal was introduced. The expansion was done in two steps; the first step comprised a new plant beside the old one both situated in rock. This part, which included the filtration step, was taken into operation in 1998. Then the old plant was upgraded to the same technical standard as the new part. His Majesty the King of Sweden inaugurated the whole new and upgraded plant in April 2000. A total of 1.3 billion Swedish crowns were invested corresponding to about 140 million euro. The plant's performance is good. There is no trouble keeping the discharge limits, 10 mg/l for BOD_7 and total nitrogen and 0.3 mg/l for phosphorus. However the bio-P process has not been altogether successful. We haven't been able to fulfill our goal to reduce the use of iron sulphate. We will during 2003 go on in our investigations concerning running the plant with a combination of bio-P and chemical precipitation.
机译:Kaeppala协会有责任在瑞典斯德哥尔摩北部地区的11个市内接收和治疗废水。运行隧道系统,60公里长,一个治疗厂符合此责任。该工厂位于斯德哥尔摩东北部的盖田。负载2002对应于约520,000 p.e.在20世纪90年代,该工厂升级并扩大,以满足人口越来越多的人口和更严格的排放限制。介绍了氮去除。扩展是以两步完成的;第一步包括旁边的旧工厂,都位于岩石中。其中包括过滤步骤的部分于1998年被录制到运行中。然后将旧工厂升级到与新部分相同的技术标准。瑞典国王陛下于2000年4月揭开了全新升级的工厂。投入了13亿瑞典冠,相当于约1.4亿欧元。植物的表现良好。保持放电限制,10mg / L对于BOD _7和总氮气和0.3mg / L的磷来毫无麻烦。然而,BIO-P过程并未完全成功。我们无法实现目标,以减少硫酸铁的使用。我们将在2003年继续进行我们的调查,并通过Bio-P和化学沉淀的组合进行植物。



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