首页> 外文会议>International Workshop on Antinutritional Factors in Legume Seeds and Rapeseed >Determination of the antinutritional factors in the seed of tropical grain legumes with potential for human and animal feeding

Determination of the antinutritional factors in the seed of tropical grain legumes with potential for human and animal feeding




This study aimed at evaluating the content of anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) such as protease inhibitors, condensed tannins and inositol phosphate in meals from the seed of eight cultivars from the tropical grain legume species Vigna unguiculata (cowpea), Glycine max (soybean), Canavalia ensiformis (jackbean), Lablab purpureus (dolichos) and Stizolobium niveum (mucuna). The soybeans contained the highest trypsin (15.86 g/100 g for Incasby 27 and 13.29 g/100 g in Duocrop) and chymotrypsin inhibitor levels (6.40 g/100 g in Duocrop), followed by dolichos. Mucuna had the highest amount of inositol phosphate (16.36 mu mol/g) and condensed tannins (0.38 %), together with the cowpea variety IMFAT 93 (0.43 %, for tannins). This study showed the variabilityin ANF concentrations among legume species and varieties. This indicates the need to determine the ANF content of all legume species or cultivars used for human and animal feeding. Generally, cowpea was the legume with the lowest ANF content specially the cv. Tropico 782. The presence of more than one ANF in all of the seeds evaluated, and the different chemical composition of their seeds indicates the need for processing to increasing their nutritive value.
机译:本研究旨在评估抗营养因子(ANF)的含量,例如蛋白酶抑制剂,浓缩的单宁和肌醇磷酸盐,从热带谷物豆类种子(豇豆),甘氨酸最大(大豆) ,CanaviaLia Ensiformis(Jackbean),Lablab Purpureus(Dolichos)和鼻子嗜酸剂(Mucuna)。大豆含有最高的胰蛋白酶(Incasby 27和13.29g / 100g,Duocrop中的13.29g / 100g)和胰凝乳素抑制剂水平(在Duocroc1中的6.40g / 100g),其次是Dolichos。 Mucuna具有最多量的磷酸肌醇(16.36μmmol/ g)和浓缩的单宁(0.38%),以及豇豆品种IMFAT 93(0.43%,对于单宁)。本研究显示了豆类物种和品种之间的ANF浓度。这表明需要确定用于人类和动物饲养的所有豆类物种或品种的ANF含量。一般来说,豇豆是豆类,特别是anf含量的最低含量。 Tropico 782.在评估的所有种子中存在多于一个ANF,以及种子的不同化学成分表明需要加工以增加其营养价值。



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