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The metabolic syndrome revisited




The Banting Memorial Lecture at the June Meeting of the American Diabetes Association is a highlight of the international medical and scientific life in the field of diabetes. It recognizes the scientific and medical achievements of a long-standing career. In 1988, Dr. Gerald Reaven gave the Banting Lecture at the ADA Meeting in New Orleans [1]. His title was ?he role of insulin resistance in human disease)). In his lecture, Dr. Reaven made three major points: (1) he drew the attention on a clustering of signs and symptoms making a Syndrome that he called ?yndrome X?. These signs and symptoms included: resistance to insulrn-stimulated glucose uptake, glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinemia, increased VLDL triglycerides, decreased HDL cholesterol and hypertension; (2) he suggested that, in this Syndrome, the common feature was insulin resistance and that the other components were secondary to the resistance to insulin; and (3) he concluded, rather provocatively, that resistance to insulin-stimulated glucose uptake may play a crucial role in determining who will and who will not develop coronary artery disease...?.
机译:美国糖尿病协会6月份会议的舞蹈纪念讲座是糖尿病领域的国际医学和科学生活的亮点。它认识到长期职业生涯的科学和医学成就。 1988年,杰拉德·雷维斯博士在新奥尔良的ADA会议上讲述了舞蹈讲座[1]。他的头衔是?他在人类疾病中胰岛素抵抗的作用))。在他的讲座中,Reaven博士提出了三个主要观点:(1)他提请注意症状和症状的聚类,使他称之为综合症?Yndrome x ?.这些迹象和症状包括:抗胰岛素刺激的葡萄糖摄取,葡萄糖不耐受,高胰岛素血症,增加的VLDL甘油三酯,降低HDL胆固醇和高血压; (2)他建议,在该综合征中,常见的特征是胰岛素抵抗力,并且其他组分次级抵抗胰岛素; (3)他得出结论,相当挑剔的是,对胰岛素刺激的葡萄糖摄取的抵抗力可能在确定谁和谁不会发展冠状动脉疾病时发挥至关重要的作用。



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