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From Disasters to WoW: Using Web Science to Understand and Enable 21st Century Multidimensional Networks




Recent advances in Web Science provide comprehensive digital traces of social actions, interactions, and transactions. These data provide an unprecedented exploratorium to model the socio-technical motivations for creating, maintaining, dissolving, and reconstituting multidimensional social networks. Multidimensional networks include multiple types of nodes (people, documents, datasets, tags, etc.) and multiple types of relationships (co-authorship, citation, web links, etc). Using examples from research in a wide range of activities such as disaster response, science and engineering communities, public health and massively multiplayer online games (WoW - the World of Warcraft), Contractor will argue that Web Science serves as the foundation for the development of social network theories and methods to help advance our ability to understand and enable multidimensional networks.
机译:Web Science的最新进展提供了全面的数字痕迹的社会行为,互动和交易。这些数据提供了一个前所未有的探索性,用于模拟社会技术动力,以创建,维护,溶解和重构多维社交网络。多维网络包括多种类型的节点(人,文档,数据集,标签等)和多种类型的关系(共同作者,引文,Web链接等)。使用研究中的各种活动的实例,如灾害响应,科学和工程社区,公共卫生和大量多人在线游戏(魔兽世界),承包商将争辩认为网络科学是发展的基础社交网络理论和方法,帮助推进我们理解和启用多维网络的能力。



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