首页> 外文会议>European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering >Dynamic Modelling and Optimal Design of the Solid-Phase Reactive Chromatographic Separation System for Biomass Saccharification via Acid Hydrolysis

Dynamic Modelling and Optimal Design of the Solid-Phase Reactive Chromatographic Separation System for Biomass Saccharification via Acid Hydrolysis




A dynamic model of the progressing batch reactor as part of the solid-phase reactive chromatographic separation system is presented. The biomass filling and emptying steps in reactor system for two designs are proposed where each operating step is divided into two sub-steps including the transfer period and production period. The operating parameters for the progressing batch reactor with these sub-steps can be estimated from the countercurrent reactor model. The performance of the progressing batch reactor can be predicted from that of the countercurrent reactor model. A minor difference in the sugar yield was found due to the dynamics which cannot be accounted for in the countercurrent model. The proposed filling and emptying steps with the estimated operating parameters from countercurrent reactor can be used as an approximation to optimize the overall solid-phase reactive chromatographic separation system.



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