首页> 外文会议>Keio University International Symposium for Life Sciences and Medicine >Efficacy of Semantic Cues in Schizophrenic Patients and Patients with Frontal Lesions from the Standpoint of Neuropsychotogical Rehabilitation

Efficacy of Semantic Cues in Schizophrenic Patients and Patients with Frontal Lesions from the Standpoint of Neuropsychotogical Rehabilitation




Two neuropsychological studies are presented in which the role of verbal or semantic cues in improving the behavioral deficits of patients with schizophrenia and patients with frontal lesions was investigated. In a study of the efficacy of semantic cues in the performance of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), a new modified version of the WCST, the Keio version (KWCST), was administered to patients with chronic schizophrenia and patients with frontal lesions. Instructions for the KWCST are given in two steps in order to make subsequent task performance easier. In the first step, the instructions are the same as in the original WCST, and in the second step, the patients are instructed that the classification category has been changed. In the first step, patients with schizophrenia and patients with frontal lesions had equally poor results on the KWCST, which suggested frontal dysfunction in patients with schizophrenia. However, marked improvement in the score was observed in the patients with schizophrenia in the second step. The study showed that semantic instructions or cues improved the performance on the WCST more effectively in the patients with schizophrenia. The other study investigated impaired verbal regulation of behavior (IVR) IVR is a relatively well-known frontal lobe symptom, but it has not been studied sufficiently. In normal subjects, speech that expresses an action or that is related to it makes performing the action easier. In patients with frontal lesions, however, the facilitating function of words on actions is frequently lost. The occurrence of IVR was investigated during the tasks of the KWCST in patients with schizophrenia and in patients with frontal lesions. About 70% of the patients with frontal lesions and less than 10% of the patients with schizophrenia had IVR. Both studies suggest that verbal or semantic cues given by oneself and/or others improve behavioral deficits more effectively in patients with schizophrenia than in patients with frontal lesions, and they suggest the importance of verbal or semantic approaches in the effective rehabilitation of schizophrenia.
机译:提出了两项​​神经心理学研究,其中调查了口头或语义提示在提高精神分裂症患者的行为缺陷和额外病变患者方面的作用。在研究语义线索在威斯康星州卡分拣试验(WCST)的表现中的疗效中,将KIO版本(KWCST)的新修改版本用于慢性精神分裂症患者和额外病变的患者施用。 KWCST的说明分为两个步骤,以便更容易地进行后续任务性能。在第一步中,指令与原始WCST中的指示相同,并在第二步中,指示患者的分类类已经改变。在第一步中,患有精神分裂症的患者和额外病变的患者对KWCST的结果同样差,这提出了精神分裂症患者的正面功能障碍。然而,在第二步中,在精神分裂症患者中观察到分数的显着改善。该研究表明,语义指示或提示更有效地在精神分裂症患者中提高了WCST的性能。另一种研究调查了行为的口头调节(IVR)IVR是一种相对众所周知的额叶症状,但尚未充分研究。在正常的主题中,表达动作或与它相关的动作使得执行操作更容易。然而,在患有正面病变的患者中,促进手术的术语往往丢失。在患有精神分裂症患者的KWCST任务期间研究了IVR的发生,患有额外病变的患者。大约70%的患者患有额外病变和低于精神分裂症患者的患者患有IVR。这两项研究表明由自己和/或其他考虑到口头或语义线索与精神分裂症患者的患者比前病变更有效地改善行为缺陷,他们建议精神分裂症的有效的康复口头或语义方法的重要性。



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