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Comparison of coronal leakage after smear layer removal with EDTA or Er:YAG laser




This study determined, in vitro, the coronal leakage of root canals evaluating the effect of smear layer removal by either EDTA or laser. Two sealers were also compared. Sixty-four canines were instrumented with the step-back technique and irrigated with 10 ml of 1% sodium hypochlorite. In Group 1, 10 teeth were sealed with Sealer 26~(~R) and 10 teeth were sealed with Grossman cement with no attempt of smear layer removal. Group 2 received a final irrigation of 15 ml of 17% EDTA, and was sealed as in Group 1. Group 3 received Er: YAG laser application (140 mJ, 15 Hz and 42 J), and sealed as in Group 1. Root canals sealed with Sealer 26 had significantly less coronal leakage than Grossman cement (p<0.05). Coronal leakage after smear layer removal with 17% EDTA or Er:YAG laser was not statistically different (p>0.01).
机译:该研究在体外测定根部管的冠状泄漏评估EDTA或激光的涂抹层除去的涂抹效果。还比较了两个封口剂。六十四犬用级级技术仪表,用10ml 1%次氯酸钠灌溉。在第1组中,用封口剂26〜(〜r)密封10颗牙齿,并用Grossman水泥密封10颗牙齿,没有涂抹层的尝试。第2组接受了15毫升17%EDTA的最终灌溉,并在第1组中被密封。第3组接受ER:YAG激光施用(140MJ,15Hz和42 j),并密封,如组10中一样密封用封口机26密封,冠状泄漏显着少于Grossman水泥(P <0.05)。用17%EDTA或ER去除涂抹层后冠状渗漏:YAG激光没有统计学不同(P> 0.01)。



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