首页> 外文会议>Annual International Congress on Veterinary Acupuncture >Acupuncture and Moxa in the Treatment of Severe Osteoarthritis in the Scapulohumeral Joint of a Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia Mydas)

Acupuncture and Moxa in the Treatment of Severe Osteoarthritis in the Scapulohumeral Joint of a Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia Mydas)

机译:针灸和毛泽东治疗绿龟皮上骨盆关节严重骨关节炎(Chelonia Mydas)



Pickles is a rescued and non releasable green sea turtle cared for by the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus Christi, Texas. Pickles' age is unknown but she has been with the Aquarium for more than twenty years. After keepers noticed Pickles was not usingher right front flipper radiographs indicated a fracture in the proximal humerus. CBC and Chemistries were normal. Four months later a CT scan revealed severe osteolytic changes in the shoulder. Fine needle aspirant of shoulder joint and bone biopsy aswell as culture and sensitivities were all normal. Pickles had not been using her flipper now for six months. Aquapuncture with vitamin B 12 and Moxibustion were initiated. Pickles was returned to the tank after the initial acupuncture and Moxa treatmentand she immediately began using her right front flipper. Pickles receives additional treatment as necessary to keep her activity levels normal.
机译:泡菜是德克萨斯州Corpus Christi的德克萨斯州水族馆的救出和不可释放的绿色海龟。泡菜的年龄未知,但她一直在水族馆超过二十年。在饲养员注意到泡菜并不使用右前方的翻盖射线照片在近端肱骨中表明骨折。 CBC和化学品是正常的。四个月后,CT扫描显示肩部的严重骨质溶解变化。作为培养和敏感性的肩关节和骨骼活组织检查的细针抱负是正常的。泡菜现在没有使用她的鳍状公司六个月。含有维生素B 12和艾灸的治疗。在初始针灸和Moxa治疗后,泡菜返回到坦克,她立即开始使用她的右前鳍状肢。泡菜根据需要收到额外的治疗,以保持她的活动水平正常。



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