首页> 外文会议>International Conference of the System Dynamics Society >Development and evaluation of an ecohydrology soil-moisture model to aid in understanding semi-arid ecosystem dynamics

Development and evaluation of an ecohydrology soil-moisture model to aid in understanding semi-arid ecosystem dynamics




This paper presents a simple soil-water (ecohydrologic) model developed in STELLA modeling environment. The model development was framed by previous work in both the rangeland science and ecohydrology disciplines and was calibrated to four locations of diverse soils and climate across Texas, USA. Overall, the model calibration procedure showed that the model is fairly well behaved compared to the available observed data at each location. Exploratory and sensitivity analyses showed some expected patterns of behavior that illustrate the model is sensitive to some extreme conditions and that the directional impacts of the changes followed a logical progression. However, there are several model components, particularly the biomass stock and the plant-soil related feedbacks on infiltration and runoff were not well parameterized and need to be improved before intended applications. Future work includes extending this model to include a feedback loop impact component [after Hayward and Boswell (2014), Model behavior and the concept of loop impact: A practical method. System Dynamics Review 30(1-2), 29-57] to better understand the water dynamics in semi-arid environments arising from climate and grazing management changes as well as developing a teaching tool for rangeland, soils, and/or modeling courses.
机译:本文介绍了在斯特拉建模环境中开发的简单土壤 - 水(生态水解)模型。该模型开发由牧师科学和生态水解学学科的以往的工作框架,并校准了美国德克萨斯州德克萨斯州各种土壤和气候的四个地方。总的来说,模型校准程序表明,与每个位置的可用观察数据相比,该模型表现得相当好。探索性和敏感性分析显示了一些预期的行为模式,说明模型对一些极端条件敏感,并且改变的定向影响遵循逻辑进展。然而,有几种模型组件,特别是生物质库存和植物土壤相关反馈的渗透和径流没有很好的参数化,并且需要在预期应用之前改进。未来的工作包括扩展该模型,包括反馈循环影响组件[海沃德和波斯韦尔(2014年),模型行为和循环影响的概念:一种实用的方法。系统动力学审查30(1-2),29-57]为了更好地了解来自气候和放牧管理变化产生的半干旱环境中的水动态,以及为牧场,土壤和/或建模课程开发教学工具。



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