首页> 外文会议>Annual international occupational ergonomics and safety conference >Criteria for the return to the workforce of workers with musculo-skeletal disorders of the upper extremities, based on preliminary practical experience

Criteria for the return to the workforce of workers with musculo-skeletal disorders of the upper extremities, based on preliminary practical experience




The report presents a preliminary study into the return to the workforce of employees with WMSDs of the upper limbs, and their reallocation to jobs with "low exposure". The study, which is still underway, involves a large engineering firm and includes some 100 workers affected by WMSDs. The trial envisages: providing a definition of the criteria for characterising "accommodating" jobs (i.e. frequency of action <=20 actions per minute; virtual absence of other risk factors such as force, posture, inadequate pauses, etc.); concretely indentifying jobs meeting such criteria (or jobs which, with minimal modifications, could be made suitable); classifying WMSD workers, according to the type and severity of the disorder, matching WMSD workers with the jobs best suited to them; specific training for the workers and their supervisors; carrying out a followup of the return of WMSD workers to the workforce in organisational terms (i.e. need for further modifications to equipment or procedures) and clinical tems (i.e. symptom patterns, acceptability of the condition). The preliminary results, 6-12 months after the start of the trial, are extremely encouraging, and show that when workers are returned to the workforce in jobs that fully meet relevantly defined criteria, a significant prevalence of "improvements" are reported among the affected workers. The investigation will need to be extended, but already it shows quite convincingly that it is possible for workers with what can be described as a "reduced working capacity" to remain "productive" (albeit in jobs featuring a lower exposure potential than the acceptable condition for "healthy" workers).
机译:该报告提出了初步研究,恢复了上肢WMSDS的员工员工,以及与“低曝光”的职位的重新分配。该研究仍在进行中,涉及一个大型工程公司,包括受WMSD影响的大约100名工人。试验设想:提供对特征“容纳”工作的标准的定义(即,行动频率<= 20个动作每分钟;虚拟缺乏其他危险因素,如力,姿势,不足的暂停等其他风险因素);具体识别核对符合此类标准的工作(或具有最小修改的工作,可以合适);根据该疾病的类型和严重程度,将WMSD工人分类,将WMSD工人与最适合他们的工作相匹配;对工人及其主管的具体培训;在组织条款中执行WMSD工人返回的跟进(即,需要进一步修改设备或程序)和临床温度(即症状模式,条件可接受)。试验开始后6-12个月的初步结果极为令人鼓舞,并表明,当工人返回完全符合相关标准的就业机构时,受影响的“改进”的显着普遍存在工人。需要延长调查,但它已经令人信服地表现得非常令人信服地表现出可以将工人描述为“减少的工作能力”,以保持“生产力”(尽管在比可接受的情况下具有较低的曝光潜力的工作)对于“健康”工人)。



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