首页> 外文会议>European Conference on Artificial Intelligence >Alice and Bob Will Fight: The Problem of Electing a Committee in the Presence of Candidate Interdependence

Alice and Bob Will Fight: The Problem of Electing a Committee in the Presence of Candidate Interdependence




The problem of electing a committee which satisfies voters is one for which good solutions are scarce. Extending single-winner voting rules to the multi-winner case works well only when voters have no preferential dependencies among candidates for the committee. (Our motivating example is a voter who believes that Alice and Bob are the best candidates, but also that the worst possible committee is one with both Alice and Bob.) In order to tackle the interdependence problem, we propose a voting rule called the Goalbase Summation Rule (GSR), which uses goalbases (sets of weighted propositional formulas) as ballots. Using goalbases as ballots lets voters express complex preferences in a compact fashion, while the computational complexity of finding winning committees remains reasonable when the number of seats is fixed. Additionally, the GSR is able to simulate and extend many existing voting rules.
机译:选举一个满足选民的委员会的问题是稀缺的好解决方案的问题。 Extending single-winner voting rules to the multi-winner case works well only when voters have no preferential dependencies among candidates for the committee. (我们的激励例子是一名选民,他们认为爱丽丝和鲍勃是最好的候选人,也是最糟糕的委员会与Alice和Bob都是一个。)为了解决相互依存问题,我们提出了一个称为球门面的投票规则求和规则(GSR),使用守门员(重量命题公式组)作为选票。使用守门员作为选票让选民以紧凑的方式表达复杂的偏好,而查找获奖委员会的计算复杂性仍然是合理的,当座位的数量是固定的。此外,GSR能够模拟和扩展许多现有的投票规则。



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