首页> 外文会议>Biennial conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence >Utility Theory-Based User Models for Intelligent Interface Agents

Utility Theory-Based User Models for Intelligent Interface Agents




An underlying problem of current interface agnet research is the fialure to adequately address effective and efficient knowledge representations and associated methodologies suitable for modeling the users' interactiosn with the system. These user models lack the representational complexity to manage the uncertainty and dynamics involved in predicting uer intent and modelign user behavior. A utility theory-based approach is presented for effective user intent prediction by incorporating the ability to explicitly model users' goals, the uncertainty in the users' intent in pursung these goals, and the dynamics of users' behavior. We present an interface agent architecture, CIaA, that incorporates our approach and discuss the integration of CIaA with three disparate domains a probabilistic expert system shell, a natural language input database query system, and a virtual space plane that are being used as test beds for our interface agent research.



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