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Nitrogen snow cleaning inside a large cryogenic telescope




A 50-cm cryogenic mirror at one end of an aluminum telescope was successfully cleaned by nitrogen snow in a series of demonstration tests. The mirror was maintained below 70 Kelvin under vacuum during the cleaning, with a 15 Kelvin cold cap pumping the nitrogen gas to maintain a realistic space environment. The snow was produced by an assembly of 6 nozzles and valves attached to the exterior of the telescope. The nozzles protruded less than 1 cm into the telescope and were well outside the mirror diameter. Contamination of the mirror was produced by silica and alumina dusts propelled into the telescope by special velocity-moderating sources. Cleaning effectiveness was measured by scatter of 10.6-mu laser light at 2 degrees from three spots on the mirror surface. All scatter system components were exterior to the telescope, with only small holes for the passage of laser radiation. The clean mirror BRDF of 5 multiplied by 10$+$MIN@4$/ sr$+$MIN@1$/ was raised as high as 3 multiplied by 10$+$MIN@2$/ sr$+$MIN@1$/ by the contamination process and subsequently reduced to the original level by one or two seconds of nitrogen snow spraying. Nitrogen snow cleaning under vacuum proved much more effective than carbon-dioxide snow cleaning of the same mirror in air.
机译:在一系列示范试验中,通过氮气雪成功清洁了一个50厘米的低温镜。在清洁过程中,镜子在真空下保持低于70个开尔文,用15个开尔文冷帽泵送氮气以保持逼真的空间环境。通过连接到望远镜外部的6个喷嘴和阀门的组件产生的雪。喷嘴突出小于1厘米进入望远镜,并且在镜子直径外面均匀。通过特殊速度调节源通过二氧化硅和氧化铝粉末产生二氧化硅和氧化铝粉尘的污染。通过镜面上的三个斑点在2度以2度的散射测量清洁效果。所有散射系统部件都是外部到望远镜,只有小孔,用于激光辐射的通过。干净的镜子BRDF为5乘以10 $ + $ MIN @ 4 $ / SR $ + $ MIN @ 1 $ /被提升为高达3乘以10 $ + $ min @ 2 $ / sr $ + $ min @ 1 $ /通过污染过程,随后通过一两秒的氮气喷涂减少到原始水平。真空下的氮雪清洁被证明比空气中相同镜子的二氧化碳雪清洁更有效。



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