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iAnalysis V1.0: An Interactive Analysis Service System

机译:Ianalysis v1.0:互动分析服务系统



With the development of scientific big data technology, problem-oriented analysis becomes normal case. iAnalysis V1.0, an interactive analysis cloud service system, gives a unified cloud resource management service for scientific data analysis. It can not only be used directly by end-user scientists through the service portal, but also be called by other existing data systems in the form of docker container. In this paper, there are presented the key technical methods of iAnalysis V1.0, including the interactive analysis service solution based on container technology, the interactive analysis components and storage & high-performance computing services for interactive analysis. There are also introduced the specific application services of iAnalysis V1.0 such as lightweight deployment service, management and monitoring services, external application programming interface services and so on. Some applications of iAnalysis V1.0 are also presented. The basic deployment images of iAnalysis V1.0 can be download from https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/bioinf/ianalysis.
机译:随着科学大数据技术的发展,面向问题的分析成为正常情况。 IANalysis v1.0,一个互动分析云服务系统,为科学数据分析提供了统一的云资源管理服务。它不仅可以通过服务门户通过最终用户科学家直接使用,而且还由Docker容器的形式被其他现有数据系统调用。在本文中,介绍了Ianalysis v1.0的关键技术方法,包括基于集装箱技术的互动分析服务解决方案,交互式分析组件和存储和高性能计算服务进行交互式分析。还介绍了Ianalysics V1.0的特定应用服务,如轻量级部署服务,管理和监控服务,外部应用程序编程接口服务等。也提出了Ianalysis v1.0的一些应用。 Ianalysis v1.0的基本部署图像可以从https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/bioinf/ianysis下载。



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