首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology >Vi-Net: A Deep Violent Flow Network for Violence Detection in Video Sequences

Vi-Net: A Deep Violent Flow Network for Violence Detection in Video Sequences




Video surveillance cameras are widely used due to security concerns. Analyzing these large amounts of videos by a human operator is a difficult and time-consuming job. To overcome this problem, automatic violence detection in video sequences has become an active research area of computer vision in recent years. Early methods focused on hand-engineering approaches to construct hand-crafted features, but they are not discriminative enough for complex actions like violence. To extract complex behavioral features automatically, it is required to apply deep networks. In this paper, we proposed a novel Vi-Net architecture based on the deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to detect actions with abnormal velocity. Motion patterns of targets in the video are estimated by optical flow vectors to train the Vi-Net network. As violent behavior comprises fast movements, these vectors are useful for the extraction of distinctive features. We performed several experiments on Hockey, Crowd, and Movies datasets and results showed that the proposed architecture achieved higher accuracy in comparison with the state-of-the-art methods.



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