首页> 外文会议>Industrial Electronics, 1994. Symposium Proceedings, ISIE '94., 1994 IEEE International Symposium on >Line and circle finding by the weighted Mahalanobis distancetransform and extended Kalman filtering

Line and circle finding by the weighted Mahalanobis distancetransform and extended Kalman filtering




The paper presents a new parameter space approach, called theWeighted Mahalanobis Distance Hough Transform (WMDHT) whose main meritis to incorporate formal stochastic image and feature noise models. Itis aimed at improving the efficiency, accuracy and reducing the size ofthe accumulator arrays by combining it with extended Kalman filterrefinement. It works by detecting image feature points in theneighbourhood of a contour instead of exactly on the contour through aMahalanobis distance measure modified by a weight function inverselyproportional to the distance between the point and an ideal contour. Themethod is applicable to geometric features of any dimensionality and thepaper illustrates it by considering detection of straight and circularsegments
机译:本文提出了一种新的参数空间方法,称为 加权mahalanobis距离霍夫变换(wmdht)其主要优点 是结合正式的随机图像和特征噪声模型。它 旨在提高效率,准确性和减少尺寸 通过将其与扩展卡尔曼滤波器相结合来累加器阵列 细化。它通过检测图像特征点来工作 轮廓的邻居而不是究竟在轮廓上 Mahalanobis距离测量通过重量函数成反比 与点之间的距离和理想轮廓的距离成比例。这 方法适用于任何维度的几何特征和 通过考虑检测直接和圆形来说明纸张 段



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