首页> 外文会议>Industrial Electronics Society, 2000. IECON 2000. 26th Annual Confjerence of the IEEE >The mimetic origins of self-consciousness in phylo-, onto- androbotogenesis

The mimetic origins of self-consciousness in phylo-, onto- androbotogenesis




The paper presents and defends the mimetic hypothesis concerningthe origin of self-consciousness in three different kinds ofdevelopment: hominid evolution, the mind of the child, and theepigenesis of mind within an artificial autonomous system - a robot. Theproposed crucial factor for the emergence of self-consciousness is theability to map between one's own subjective body-image and those ofothers, supported by a partially innate 'mirror system'. Combined withsocial interaction, this gives rise to inter-subjectivity and starts adevelopmental cycle of: 1) increased objectification of one'sbody-image, 2) increased volitional control, 3) increased understandingof the intentionality of others, and 4) increased understanding of one'sown intentionality. The hypothesis has far reaching theoreticalimplications: the self-consciousness and empathy are co-determined; thelanguage and tool-use are not causes, but rather consequences ofincreased self-consciousness; and most of the symptoms of autism can beaccounted for as resulting from an impairment of the mirror system. Theimplications are negative for non-representational approaches torobotics and in favor of approaches based on imitation/mimesis
机译:本文提出并捍卫与之有关的模仿假设 三种不同类型的自我意识的起源 发展:人的进化,孩子的思想和 人工自主系统(机器人)中的心理表观遗传学。这 提出的自我意识出现的关键因素是 能够在自己的主观身体图像与身体主观身体图像之间进行映射的能力 其他则由部分先天的“镜像系统”支持。结合 社会互动,这引起了主体间性并开始了 的发展周期:1)增加一个人的客观化 身体形象; 2)增强的意志力控制; 3)增强理解力 他人的意图,以及4)增进对他人的了解 自己的意图。该假设具有深远的理论意义 含义:共同确定自我意识和同理心;这 语言和工具的使用不是原因,而是结果 自我意识增强;自闭症的大多数症状可能是 造成的原因是由于镜面系统的损坏。这 对于非代表性方法而言,这意味着负面影响 机器人技术并支持基于模仿/模仿的方法



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