
Tracking from a moving platform with the Dynamic Vision Sensor




The Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) is an imaging sensor that processes the incident irradiance image and outputstemporal log irradiance changes in the image, such as those generated by moving target(s) and/or the moving sensorplatform. From a static platform, this enables the DVS to cancel out background clutter and greatly decrease the sensorbandwidth required to track temporal changes in a scene. However, the sensor bandwidth advantage is lost when imaginga scene from a moving platform due to platform motion causing optical flow in the background. Imaging from a movingplatform has been utilized in many recently reported applications of this sensor. However, this approach inherentlyoutputs background clutter generated from optical flow, and as such this approach has limited spatio-temporal resolutionand is of limited utility for target tracking applications. In this work we present a new approach to moving target trackingapplications with the DVS. Essentially, we propose modifying the incident image to cancel out optical flow due toplatform motion, thereby removing background clutter and recovering the bandwidth performance advantage of theDVS. We propose that such improved performance can be accomplished by integrating a hardware tracking andstabilization subsystem with the DVS. Representative simulation scenarios are used to quantify the performance of theproposed approach to clutter cancellation and improved sensor bandwidth.
机译:动态视觉传感器(DVS)是一种成像传感器,可处理入射辐照度图像并输出 图像中的时间对数辐照度变化,例如由移动目标和/或移动传感器产生的对数辐照度变化 平台。从静态平台上,这使DVS可以消除背景杂波并大大减少传感器 跟踪场景的时间变化所需的带宽。但是,成像时会失去传感器带宽的优势 由于平台运动导致背景中的光流,因此来自移动平台的场景。从移动中成像 该传感器的许多最近报道的应用中已经使用了该平台。但是,这种方法本质上是 输出由光流产生的背景杂波,因此这种方法的时空分辨率有限 并且对目标跟踪应用程序的实用性有限。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种移动目标跟踪的新方法 DVS的应用程序。本质上,我们建议修改入射图像以抵消由于 平台运动,从而消除了背景混乱并恢复了带宽性能优势 DVS。我们建议可以通过集成硬件跟踪和 具有DVS的稳定子系统。代表性的模拟场景用于量化性能 提出的杂波消除方法和改进的传感器带宽。



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