
Interferometer with single-axis robot: design, alignment and performance




An interferometer is an essential subsystem of the Fourier-transform spectrometer (FTS). We describe an FTS instrumentto operate at the surface of Mars based on a Michelson interferometer with hollow retroreflectors. The instrument willoperate in two different regimes, observing the solar disc through the atmosphere to measure trace gases, and measuringthe thermal emission from the atmosphere to study the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The interferometer has anaperture of 1 inch, operates in the spectral range 1.7-17 μm, and features low mass and volume (≤1 kg with all necessarysubsystems). Beam splitter and compensator are made of potassium bromide (KBr). A single-axis robot with steppermotor drive provides a linear movement of the retroreflector (the speed stability is about 2%) and enables a maximaloptical path difference (MOPD) of 15 cm. A reference channel with a distributed-feedback laser diode (0.76 μm) and aphotodiode (Si) supports the interferogram sampling and the speed stabilization loop. The time to measure oneinterferogram with a best spectral resolution of about 0.05 cm~(-1) is 500 s (the sun tracking regime). In the thermalsounding regime, one measurement of a two-side interferogram (with the spectral resolution of ~1 cm~(-1)) takes less than 1min. Laboratory calibrations with a black body and a laser confirm the design parameters of the instrument.
机译:干涉仪是傅立叶变换光谱仪(FTS)的重要子系统。我们描述了FTS仪器 基于带有空心后向反射镜的迈克尔逊干涉仪,可在火星表面进行操作。仪器将 在两种不同的状态下运行,通过大气层观察太阳盘以测量痕量气体,并测量 从大气中释放热量来研究行星边界层(PBL)。干涉仪有一个 孔径为1英寸,在1.7-17μm的光谱范围内工作,质量和体积小(≤1 kg,具有所有必要功能) 子系统)。分束器和补偿器由溴化钾(KBr)制成。带步进的单轴机器人 电机驱动可实现后向反射器的线性运动(速度稳定性约为2%)并实现最大的 15厘米的光程差(MOPD)。参考通道带有分布式反馈激光二极管(0.76μm)和一个 光电二极管(Si)支持干涉图采样和速度稳定环路。测量一个的时间 最佳光谱分辨率约为0.05 cm〜(-1)的干涉图为500 s(太阳跟踪状态)。中热 探测方式,一次测量两侧干涉图(光谱分辨率为〜1 cm〜(-1))所需的时间小于1 分钟用黑体和激光对实验室进行校准,确认了仪器的设计参数。



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