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Making energy efficiency bankable: Lessons learned from a global market transformation effort




In May 2007, former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Mayor of London Ken Livingstone announced an ambitious energy efficiency best practices effort. The Energy Efficiency Building Retrofit Program of the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) explored ways to make efficiency retrofit projects more bankable for CCI client cities in the C40 Climate Leadership Group founded by Livingstone by using unsubsidized, commercial models applicable in a variety of countries and considerably more scalable globally than current regulated and legislated models tied to local jurisdictions. In this context, the authors provided pro bono advisory services to building owners in over twenty large cities worldwide, negotiating technical and financial performance terms on more than a hundred projects. Their experience suggests that, when deployed in combination with each other, these models can potentially transform the global market for energy efficiency retrofit projects, especially in the underserved private sector where financing is perhaps most difficult and that this has implications for a broad acceleration of energy efficiency investment. From these efforts emerged some promising models. Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is an updated performancebased approach to contracting energy efficiency (EE) retrofit projects designed to be the sine qua non of 3rd-party EE project finance by turning energy savings guarantees into a true credit enhancement. Energy Performance Lending (EPL) is a credit underwriting process with elements of project finance for commercially mortgaged properties with limited refinancing options, which involves a new way of looking at security for lenders financing EE projects. Managed Utilities Service Contracts (MUSC) are special-purpose entities owned by 3rd parties and designed for multi-tenanted buildings, which remove a significant decision hurdle by aligning incentives between owners and leaseholders. Equipment Leasing is an existing, but underutilized, financing model for local governments, thinking about existing public finance mechanisms in new ways that eliminate capital budget competition and concerns over agency borrowing limits associated with traditional forms of public finance.
机译:2007年5月,前美国总统比尔克林顿和伦敦市长Ken Livingstone宣布了一个雄心勃勃的能源效率最佳实践努力。克林顿气候倡议(CCI)的能效建筑改造计划(CCI)探讨了通过使用在各种国家的未补偿,商业车型在各种国家的未订婚,商业车型在利用石公司成立的C40气候领导集团中的C40气候领导集团中的CCI客户城市更加便宜的方法在全球范围内比当前监管和立法模型更可扩展,与当地司法管辖区联系。在这方面,作者提供了促进200多个大城市的建立业主的Pro Bono咨询服务,谈判超过一百个项目的技术和财务绩效。他们的经验表明,在彼此结合部署时,这些模型可能会使全球市场的能源效率改造项目转变,特别是在融资可能最困难的地方,这对广泛加速能源有影响效率投资。从这些努力中出现了一些有希望的模型。能源绩效缔约(EPC)是一项更新的表演效率的缔约效(EE)改造项目的方法,该项目旨在成为第三方EE项目融资的正弦值,通过储蓄担保确保真正的信用增强。能源绩效贷款(EPL)是一个信用承保程序,具有项目融资的要素,用于商业抵押属性,具有有限的再融资期权,这涉及一种新的贷款人融资EE项目的安全途径。管理公用事业服务合同(MOSC)是第三方拥有的专用实体,并为多租户建筑设计,通过对准所有者和租赁符合者之间的激励来删除重大决策障碍。设备租赁是当地政府的现有,但未充分利用的融资模式,思考现有的公共财政机制,以消除资本预算竞争和对与传统公共财政形式相关的机构借贷限制的担忧。



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