首页> 外文会议>Grammatical Inference: Theory, Applications and Alternatives, IEE Colloquium on >The application of k-testable languages in the strict sense tophone recognition in automatic speech recognition

The application of k-testable languages in the strict sense tophone recognition in automatic speech recognition




The aim of the work is to show the feasibility and the appeal ofcharacterizable methods of grammatical inference in establishing therequired structural models for particular syntactic pattern recognitionproblems, so as to allow a satisfactory performance to be achieved. Inparticular, the authors have chosen the application area of automaticspeech recognition. They describe two applications in Spanish phonerecognition of the use of k=2 and k=3 testable languages in the strictsense (k-TLSS) inductively learned via the k-TSS inference algorithm
机译:这项工作的目的是表明可行性和吸引力 建立语法推论的表征方法。 特定句法模式识别所需的结构模型 问题,以便获得令人满意的性能。在 特别是作者选择了自动驾驶的应用领域。 语音识别。他们描述了西班牙电话中的两种应用 严格使用k = 2和k = 3可测试语言的识别 通过k-TSS推理算法归纳学习的感知(k-TLSS)



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