首页> 外文会议>Adaptive Optical System Technologies >Scientific results from the University of Hawaii: adaptive problems well suited to AO techniques

Scientific results from the University of Hawaii: adaptive problems well suited to AO techniques




Abstract: The University of Hawaii AO group has been actively carrying out astronomical AO observations for the last four years. The UHAO group and out collaborators have utilized the curvature AO system to obtain diffraction-limited images of asteroids, planets, moons, protoplanetary disks, young stars, young star clusters, planetary nebulae, black holes, galaxies and quasars. The current scientific capabilities of the new 36-actuator Hokupa'a AO curvature system will be briefly reviewed. Four key astronomical situations that are excellent for AO observations will be discussed. Examples of scientific observational techniques will be highlighted with actual AO astronomical results. !23
机译:摘要:夏威夷大学的AO小组在过去的四年中一直在积极地进行天文AO观测。 UHAO小组及其外的合作者已经利用曲率AO系统获取了小行星,行星,卫星,原行星盘,年轻恒星,年轻恒星团,行星状星云,黑洞,星系和类星体的衍射极限图像。新的36执行器Hokupa'a AO曲率系统的当前科学功能将简要介绍。将讨论四种最适合AO观测的关键天文情况。科学的观测技术实例将以实际的AO天文结果突出显示。 !23


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