首页> 外文会议>Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium Record, 1968 IEEE >Quaternions approach to solve the kinematic equation of rotation,AaAx=AxAb, of a sensor-mounted robotic manipulator

Quaternions approach to solve the kinematic equation of rotation,AaAx=AxAb, of a sensor-mounted robotic manipulator

机译:四元数法求解运动学运动方程, A a A x = A x < e1> A b ,安装在传感器上的机器人操纵器



The problem of finding the relative orientation between thereference frames of a line-mounted sensor and the link is formulated asa kinematic equation of the form AaAx=AxAb, which has to besolved for the rotational transformation matrix Axgiven the transformations Aa and Ab. This equation can be transformed to its equivalent form in termsof quaternion and then simplified to a well-structured linear system ofequations of the form Bx=0. Since B is rank-deficient,the solution is not unique. The generalized-inverse method usingsingular-value decomposition (SVD) is applied. Although the solution isreached using the analysis of SVD, the SVD is derived symbolically;therefore, the actual implementation of SVD is not required. A methodfor obtaining a unique solution is proposed where a system of nonlinearequations is solved using Newton-Raphson iteration. The iteration issimplified by a dimension-reduction technique that provides a set ofclosed-form formulas for solving the resulting linear system ofequations
机译:找出两者之间的相对取向的问题 线装传感器的参考框架和链接公式为 A a A x形式的运动方程 = A x A b 求解旋转变换矩阵 A x 给定转换 A a A b 。该等式可以转换为等价形式 四元数,然后简化为结构良好的线性系统 Bx = 0形式的方程。由于 B 的排名不足, 解决方案不是唯一的。广义逆法 应用了奇异值分解(SVD)。虽然解决方案是 通过对SVD的分析得出,SVD是符号导出的; 因此,不需要SVD的实际实现。一个方法 提出了一种用于获得唯一解的方法,其中非线性系统 用牛顿-拉夫森迭代法求解方程。迭代是 通过降维技术简化,该技术提供了一组 求解最终线性系统的封闭形式公式 方程式



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