首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie >The rare earth metal polyselenides Gd8Se15, Tb8Se15-x, Dy8Se15-x, Ho8Se15-x, Er8Se15-x, and Y8Se15-x - Increasing disorder in defective planar selenium layers

The rare earth metal polyselenides Gd8Se15, Tb8Se15-x, Dy8Se15-x, Ho8Se15-x, Er8Se15-x, and Y8Se15-x - Increasing disorder in defective planar selenium layers


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Single crystals of the rare earth metal polyselenides Gd(8)Sel(15), Tb8Se15-x, Dy8Se15-x, Ho8Se15-x, Er8Se15-x, and Y8Se15-x, (0 < x <= 0.3) have been prepared by chemical transport reactions (1120 K -> 970 K, 14 days, I-2 as carrier) starting from pre-annealed powders of nominal compositions between LnSe(2) and LnSel.q. The isostructural title compounds adopt a 3 x 4 X 2 superstructure of the ZrSSi type and can be described in space group Amm2 with lattice parameters of a = 12.161(1) angstrom, b = 16.212(2) angstrom and c = 16.631(2) angstrom (Gd8Se15), a = 12.094(2) angstrom, b = 16.123(2) angstrom and c = 16.550(2) angstrom (Tb(8)Sel(15-x)), a = 12.036(2) angstrom, b = 16.060(2) angstrom and c = 16.475(2) angstrom (DY8Se15-x), a = 11.993(2) angstrom, b = 15.999(2) angstrom and c = 16.471(2) angstrom (Ho8Se15-x), a = 11.908(2) angstrom, b = 15.921(2) angstrom and c = 16.428(2) angstrom (Er8Se15-x), and a = 12.045(2) angstrom, b = 16.072(3) angstrom and c = 16.626(3) angstrom (Y8Se15-x), respectively. The structure consists of puckered [LnSe] double slabs and planar Se layers alternating along [001]. The planar Se layers contain a disordered arrangement of Se-2(2-) dimers, Se2- and vacancies. All compounds are semiconducting and contain trivalent rare earth metals (Ln(3+)).
机译:稀土金属多硒化物Gd(8)Sel(15),Tb8Se15-x,Dy8Se15-x,Ho8Se15-x,Er8Se15-x和Y8Se15-x的单晶已通过以下方法制备:(0 970 K,14天,I-2作为载体)从LnSe(2)和LnSel.q之间的标称成分的预退火粉末开始。同构标题化合物采用ZrSSi类型的3 x 4 X 2上层结构,可以在空间组Amm2中描述,其晶格参数为a = 12.161(1)埃,b = 16.212(2)埃和c = 16.631(2)埃(Gd8Se15),a = 12.094(2)埃,b = 16.123(2)埃和c = 16.550(2)埃(Tb(8)Sel(15-x)),a = 12.036(2)埃,b = 16.060(2)埃,c = 16.475(2)埃(DY8Se15-x),a = 11.993(2)埃,b = 15.999(2)埃,c = 16.471(2)埃(Ho8Se15-x),a = 11.908(2)埃,b = 15.921(2)埃,c = 16.428(2)埃(Er8Se15-x),a = 12.045(2)埃,b = 16.072(3)埃,c = 16.626(3) )分别为埃(Y8Se15-x)。该结构由褶皱的[LnSe]双层板和沿[001]交替排列的平面Se层组成。平面Se层包含Se-2(2-)二聚体,Se2-和空位的无序排列。所有化合物都是半导体,并且包含三价稀土金属(Ln(3+))。



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