首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation >Designing interactive museum visitors' experience using a Fab Living Lab platform: the Museum-Aquarium of Nancy case

Designing interactive museum visitors' experience using a Fab Living Lab platform: the Museum-Aquarium of Nancy case

机译:使用Fab Living Lab平台设计互动式博物馆参观者的体验:南希博物馆-水族馆案例



As in many areas, museums and cultural institutions currently undergo a transformation characterized by the use of digital and interactive technologies. New perspectives in the development of museum experiences are being open which impacts the overall functioning of these institutions. To design experiences that are adapted to enhance the visitor experience appropriate methods are required. User experience design and Living labs approach offer tools to support this process. In this paper, we document the experience of the renovation of the Museum-Aquarium in interaction with the Fab Living Lab platform, the academic innovation space of Nancy, France. We present the process of the development of three interactive and digital experiences based on ideation, rapid-prototyping, and test by use. This experience presents the methods and shares the lessons learned in this process. The work performed can serve as references for the development of other museum interactive installations. Furthermore, we identify potential transfer to other domains.
机译:与许多地区一样,博物馆和文化机构目前正经历着以使用数字和互动技术为特征的变革。博物馆体验发展的新观点正在开放,这将影响这些机构的整体运作。为了设计适于增强访问者体验的体验,需要适当的方法。用户体验设计和生活实验室方法提供了支持此过程的工具。在本文中,我们记录了与Fab Living Lab平台(法国南希的学术创新空间)互动对博物馆-水族馆进行翻修的经验。我们介绍了基于构想,快速原型制作和使用测试的三种交互式和数字体验的开发过程。这项经验介绍了方法,并分享了在此过程中汲取的经验教训。所进行的工作可以作为其他博物馆互动装置发展的参考。此外,我们确定了可能转移到其他域的可能性。



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