
EMG-Based Control of a 5 DOF Robotic Manipulator




The use of robotic manipulators is increasing in a dominant way for the past few decades. They are mechanical arm that are usually programmed to perform the same function of a human arm and have supported humans in many fields. This project aims at developing an EMG-based control of a robotic arm that can be used in aiding elderly people, supporting people with certain disabilities and replacing people who work at hazardous areas. Initially, a literature survey on existing methodologies of human-robot interface and kinematic analysis of a 5 DOF robotic arm is discussed. Then, a methodology for control of a 5 DOF robotic arm using Electromyogram (EMG) signals recorded from the muscles of elbow is presented. Two accelerometers are used to capture the gesture and posture of the human arm, which then will be fed as an input to the robotic arm. Experimental results showed that it was able to achieve a controlled motion of a 5 DOF robotic arm through gestures like rotation of wrist, left, right, up and down motions. Thus, this proposed method can be used for applications involving radioactive or bio-hazardous materials and domestic assistance.



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