
Technology-Based Social Skills Learning for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder




Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects a significant number of people who have difficulties with communication and socialization. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5, defines ASD as a condition characterized by deficits in two core domains: (1) social communication and social interaction, and (2) restricted repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. Several authors examined the use of technology and computer-based interventions to teach people with ASD language and social skills. The use of technological advancements provides a comfortable, predictable, and structured environment that promotes constant learning for people with ASD, since they show affinity to technology. This paper explores: (1) how technology related papers to teach skills to people with ASD characterize the difficulties of these people, (2) how these characteristics have been considered to design their technological solutions and (3) which are the results obtained in these studies, in order to determine design guidelines and a structure and preliminary design for a future technological intervention that cover specific needs in people with ASD related to the area of socialization.
机译:自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)影响到许多在沟通和社交方面有困难的人。 《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》 DSM-5将ASD定义为以两个核心领域的缺陷为特征的疾病:(1)社会交往和社会互动,以及(2)行为,兴趣和活动的限制性重复模式。几位作者研究了使用技术和基于计算机的干预手段来教有ASD语言和社交技能的人的方法。技术进步的使用提供了一个舒适,可预测和结构化的环境,可促进ASD人士不断学习,因为他们表现出对技术的亲和力。本文探讨:(1)如何向ASD人传授技能的技术相关论文如何表征这些人的困难;(2)如何考虑这些特征来设计他们的技术解决方案;以及(3)在这些人中获得的结果进行研究,以确定设计指南以及针对未来技术干预的结构和初步设计,以涵盖与社会化领域相关的ASD人群的特定需求。



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