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Teaching Online in 2020: Experiments, Empathy, Discovery




The rapid shift to fully online university courses in response to the global pandemic led to widespread instructor-based experimentation on an unprecedented scale. We summarize the experience of a full term of instruction in Spring 2020 in a Computer Science department serving close to 2000 declared undergraduate majors and graduate students. Three themes emerge: (1) there is extensive experimentation; (2) tracking the progress and well-being of students takes center stage; and (3) many instructors draw heavily on the toolbox assembled over the last decade of progress in online learning. We summarize recommendations for university instructors and course designers based on our findings, as well as for others interested in how to best serve learners in the emergent era of online learning.
机译:为了应对全球流行病,迅速转向完全在线的大学课程,导致了以教师为基础的广泛实验,规模空前。我们总结了在2020年春季在计算机科学系担任全职教学的经验,该系为近2000名已宣布的本科专业和研究生服务。出现了三个主题:(1)进行了广泛的实验; (2)追踪学生的进步和福祉为中心; (3)在过去十年的在线学习进展中,许多教师大量使用了组装的工具箱。我们根据我们的发现总结了对大学讲师和课程设计者的建议,以及对在在线学习的新兴时代如何最好地为学习者提供服务感兴趣的其他人的建议。



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