
Categorization of RNA Molecules Using Graph Methods




RNA molecules are a group of biologically active molecules which have a similar structure to DNA. Graph-based methods for classification have shown promise on other biological compounds such as protein. In this paper, we investigate the use of graph representations of RNA, graph-feature based methods and their role in classifying RNA into particular categories. We describe a number of possible graph representations of RNA structure and how useful information can be encoded in the graph. We show how graph-kernel and graph-feature methods can be used to provide descriptors for the molecules. Finally, on a moderately-sized database of 419 RNA structures, we explore how these methods can be used to classify RNA into high-level categories provided by the biological context or function of the molecules. We find that graph descriptors give state-of-the-art performance on sequence classification, but that the graph elements of the description do not add useful information above the base-sequence.
机译:RNA分子是一组具有与DNA相似结构的生物活性分子。基于图的分类方法已显示出对其他生物化合物(如蛋白质)的希望。在本文中,我们研究了RNA图表示的使用,基于图特征的方法及其在将RNA划分为特定类别中的作用。我们描述了RNA结构的许多可能的图形表示形式以及如何在图形中编码有用的信息。我们展示了如何使用图核和图特征方法为分子提供描述符。最后,在一个中等大小的419 RNA结构数据库中,我们探索了如何使用这些方法将RNA归类为分子生物学背景或功能所提供的高级类别。我们发现图描述符在序列分类方面提供了最先进的性能,但是描述的图元素并未在基本序列上方添加有用的信息。



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