首页> 外文期刊>InfoDesign : Brazilian Journal of Information Design = Brazilian Journal of Information Design >Fun??es da cor na infografia: uma proposta de categoriza??o aplicada à análise de infográficos jornalísticos | Functions of color in infographic: a categorization proposal applied to the analysis journalistic infographics

Fun??es da cor na infografia: uma proposta de categoriza??o aplicada à análise de infográficos jornalísticos | Functions of color in infographic: a categorization proposal applied to the analysis journalistic infographics




Este artigo aborda a informa??o cromática contida na Infografia Jornalística. Apresenta uma proposta de categoriza??o que organiza as a??es e efeitos da cor em três conjuntos: as fun??es Perceptivas (atrair, harmonizar, organizar, proporcionar visibilidade e legibilidade); as Indicativas (rotular, mensurar, hierarquizar e manter a consistência) e as fun??es Representativas (identificar e simbolizar). O modelo foi aplicado na análise de quatro infográficos jornalísticos, publicados em revistas brasileiras de grande circula??o. Nos artefatos examinados, foi possível identificar as três categorias gerais descritas e suas subdivis?es. As análises confirmaram a relevancia da cor para a clareza, ênfase e organiza??o da informa??o visual. Entre os problemas identificados, destacaram-se a falta de consistência na codifica??o e o emprego inadequado de contrastes figura/fundo e texto/fundo em certos casos. Conclui-se que a ferramenta de análise proposta foi adequada aos objetivos da pesquisa. A classifica??o das fun??es e sua descri??o individualizada mostraram-se úteis, ao permitir um exame detalhado das cores e do papel que desempenham na Infografia. __________ This article discusses the chromatic information contained in the Infographic Journalism. It presents a categorization proposal that organizes the actions and effects of color into three sets: the Perceptive functions (attract, harmonize, organize, provide visibility and readability); the Indicative (label, measure, rank and maintain consistency) and Representative functions (identify and symbolize). The model was applied in the analysis of four journalistic infographics, published in brazilians magazines of great circulation. In the artifacts examined, it was possible to identify the three general categories described and their subdivisions. The analyses confirmed the relevance of color to the clarity, emphasis, and organization of visual information. Among the problems identified were a lack of consistency in coding and inadequate use of figure/ background and text/background contrasts in certain cases. Concludes that proposed analysis tool was adequate to the research objectives. The classification of the functions and their individualized description proved useful, allowing a detailed examination of the colors and the role they play in the infographics.
机译:本文介绍了新闻图表中包含的色度信息。它提出了一种分类建议,将颜色的作用和效果分为三组:感知功能(吸引,协调,组织,提供可见性和可读性);指示性(标签,度量,层次结构和保持一致性)和代表功能(标识和象征性)。该模型用于分析在巴西主要杂志上发布的四种新闻图表。在检查的工件中,可以确定所描述的三个一般类别及其细分。分析证实了颜色对于视觉信息的清晰度,强调和组织的重要性。在发现的问题中,在某些情况下编码缺乏一致性,并且不恰当地使用图形/背景和文本/背景对比。结论是所提出的分析工具足以满足研究目标。功能的分类及其个性化描述被证明是有用的,因为它可以详细检查颜色及其在信息图表中的作用。 __________本文讨论了信息图表新闻学中包含的色度信息。它提出了一个分类建议,将颜色的作用和效果分为三组:感知功能(吸引,协调,组织,提供可见性和可读性);指示性(标签,度量,等级和保持一致性)和代表性功能(标识和象征)。该模型被用于分析四种新闻图表,这些图表在巴西发行量很大的杂志上发表。在所检查的工件中,可以确定所描述的三个一般类别及其细分。分析证实了色彩与视觉信息的清晰度,重点和组织有关。在确定的问题中,包括编码的一致性不足以及在某些情况下图形/背景和文本/背景对比的使用不足。结论认为所提出的分析工具足以满足研究目标。功能的分类及其个性化描述提供了有用的信息,可以详细检查颜色及其在信息图中的作用。



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