首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Management Science and Engineering >The Report of Questionnaire Survey on Chinese Residents' Income Gap Moderation ----Based on the Data Analysis of 6937 Resident Questionnaires from 31 Provinces Across This Country

The Report of Questionnaire Survey on Chinese Residents' Income Gap Moderation ----Based on the Data Analysis of 6937 Resident Questionnaires from 31 Provinces Across This Country




This article carried the statistical measurement on the situation of residents' income gap in our country, based on 6937 urban and rural residents' questionnaires from 31 provinces; and it made statistical analysis and evaluation on problems of residents' income gap moderation, such as: the basic judgment to residents' income gap moderation at this stage, the main reasons for the widening residents' income gap, endurance of the public residents to the widening income gap and satisfaction to the income distribution, the consequences caused by the aggravation of income distribution inequity, the relationship between fairness and efficiency at this stage and the main features of unfairness to rural residents, the main factors and risks affecting social stability and hindering economic efficiency, the policy focus on promoting fair distribution. The results show that: the residents' income gap of our country is large, the Gini coefficient has exceeded the warning line, the per capita income of households and the income gap is quite different because of the differences in urban and rural areas and regions, and the basic characteristics and human capital of the head of household; the residents' income gap at this stage is beyond a reasonable boundary; "trading for money and power, rent-seeking and corruption" is the main reason for the widening of income gap; residents' affordability to the widening income gap is strong, but they are not satisfied with the state of the income distribution; the main possible consequence caused by the aggravation of income distribution inequity is "the increase in the degree of social instability"; "the initial distribution and redistribution should handle the relationship between efficiency and equity, with particular emphasis on equity of redistribution"; compared with urban residents, "education", "social security" and "public infrastructure" are the main features of unfairness to rural residents; "corrupt officials" and "big wealth gap" are the main factors and risks affecting social stability and hindering the economic efficiency; "ban illegal incomes, punish corruption" is the most important measure of promoting fair distribution and narrowing the income gap. On this basis, this article puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations.
机译:这篇文章进行了的居民在我国收入差距的基础上,6937个城市和农村居民来自31个省的调查情况,统计测量;并提出对居民的问题,收入差距适度,如:基本的判断居民的统计分析和评价,在此阶段收入差距适度,主要原因为扩大居民收入差距,耐力大众居民的收入差距拉大和满意的收入分配,造成收入分配不公平的加剧带来的后果,公平与效率之间的这个阶段和不公平农村居民的主要因素的主要特征和关系相关的风险影响社会稳定,阻碍经济效率,政策重点推进公平分配。研究结果表明:我国居民收入差距很大,基尼系数已经超过了警戒线,家庭的人均收入和收入差距是完全不同的,因为在城乡和地区差异,和基本特征和户主的人力资本;在这个阶段,居民收入差距已经超出合理界限; “交易对金钱和权力,寻租和腐败”是收入差距扩大的主要原因;居民承受能力的收入差距拉大是强,但他们并不满足与收入分配的状态;造成收入分配不公平的加剧主要可能的后果是“社会不稳定度的增加”; “初始分配和再分配应该处理效率和公平之间的关系,特别着重于再分配的公平”;与城镇居民相比,“教育”,“社会保障”和“公共基础设施”是不公平农村居民的主要特征; “贪官”和“大贫富差距”的主要因素和风险,影响社会稳定,阻碍经济效率; “取缔非法收入,惩治腐败”,是促进公平分配,缩小收入差距的最重要的措施。在此基础上,本文提出了相应的政策建议。



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