首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation >PERSO-retailer: Modeling the retailer's business data: Toward recommender system of retailers' marketing plan for personalized CMS

PERSO-retailer: Modeling the retailer's business data: Toward recommender system of retailers' marketing plan for personalized CMS




This research aims to exploring the new research of personalized information access in the context of the online retailing. In this paper, we present PERSO-Retailer Modeler, the first stage in this line of research. We propose to add a new level of personalization in the Content Management System (CMS) application by not only creating an e-commerce website to run the retailer's business but by recommending the most relevant marketing plan to ensure the business success. In this perspective, the main advantage of our approach is to transform the traditional CMS into a personal assistant that fits the retailer's selling strategies for product offerings. Our methodology is based on hierarchical clustering of retailer's model, then using the frequent pattern mining techniques to identify common strategies used in a given cluster. The preliminary finding of our experimentation prototyping encourage us to proceed to the next stage of the research which is to propose an evaluation framework as well as exploring further data-mining techniques.
机译:这项研究旨在探索在线零售环境下个性化信息访问的新研究。在本文中,我们介绍了PERSO-Retailer Modeler,这是该研究领域的第一阶段。我们建议在内容管理系统(CMS)应用程序中增加新的个性化级别,方法不仅是创建一个电子商务网站来经营零售商的业务,而且还建议最相关的营销计划以确保业务成功。从这个角度来看,我们方法的主要优势是将传统的CMS转变为适合零售商产品销售策略的私人助理。我们的方法基于零售商模型的分层聚类,然后使用频繁模式挖掘技术来识别给定聚类中使用的常见策略。我们的实验原型的初步发现鼓励我们继续进行下一步的研究,即提出评估框架并探索进一步的数据挖掘技术。



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