
XBWT Tricks




The extended Burrows-Wheeler Transform (XBWT) is a data transformation introduced in [Ferragina et al., FOCS 2005] to compactly represent a labeled tree and simultaneously support navigation and path-search operations over its label structure. A natural application of the XBWT is to store a dictionary of strings. A recent extensive experimental study [Martinez-Prieto et al., Information Systems, 2016] shows that, among the available string dictionary implementations, the XBWT is attractive because of its good tradeoff between small space usage, speed, and support for substring searches. In this paper we further investigate the use of the XBWT for storing a string dictionary. Our first contribution is to show how to add suffix links (aka failure links) to a XBWT string dictionary. For a XBWT dictionary with n internal nodes our suffix links can be traversed in constant time and only take 2n + o(n) bits of space. Our second contribution are practical construction algorithms for the XBWT, including the additional data structure supporting the traversal of suffix links. Our algorithms build on the many well engineered algorithms for Suffix Array and BWT construction and offer different tradeoffs between running time and working space.
机译:扩展的Burrows-Wheeler变换(XBWT)是[Ferragina等人,FOCS 2005]中引入的一种数据转换,可以紧凑地表示标记的树,并同时支持对其标记结构的导航和路径搜索操作。 XBWT的自然应用是存储字符串字典。最近的一项广泛的实验研究[Martinez-Prieto等,信息系统,2016年]显示,在可用的字符串字典实现中,XBWT具有吸引力,因为它在小空间使用,速度和对子字符串搜索的支持之间进行了很好的权衡。在本文中,我们将进一步研究XBWT用于存储字符串字典的情况。我们的第一个贡献是展示如何将后缀链接(也称为失败链接)添加到XBWT字符串字典中。对于具有n个内部节点的XBWT字典,我们的后缀链接可以在恒定时间内遍历,并且仅占用2n + o(n)位的空间。我们的第二个贡献是XBWT的实用构造算法,包括支持后缀链接遍历的其他数据结构。我们的算法以后缀数组和BWT构建的许多精心设计的算法为基础,并在运行时间和工作空间之间提供了不同的权衡。



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