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An ordinal kernel trick for a computationally efficient support vector machine




A principled approach to machine learning (ML) problems because of its mathematical foundations in statistical learning theory, support vector machines (SVM), a non-parametric method, require all the data to be available during the training phase. However, once the model parameters are identified, SVM relies only, for future prediction, on a subset of these training instances, called support vectors (SV). The SVM model is mathematically written as a weighted sum of these SV whose number, rather than the dimensionality of the input space, defines SVM's complexity. Since the final number of these SV can be up to half the size of the training dataset, SVM becomes challenged to run on energy aware computing platforms. We propose in this work Knee-Cut SVM (KCSVM) and Knee-Cut Ordinal Optimization inspired SVM (KCOOSVM) that use a soft trick of ordered kernel values and uniform subsampling to reduce SVM's prediction computational complexity while maintaining an acceptable impact on its generalization capability. When tested on several databases from UCL KCSVM and KCOOSVM produced promising results, comparable to similar published algorithms.
机译:由于其在统计学习理论中的数学基础,因此一种机器学习(ML)问题的原则方法,即支持向量机(SVM),一种非参数方法,要求在训练阶段所有数据都可用。但是,一旦确定了模型参数,SVM仅将这些训练实例的一个子集称为支持向量(SV),以供将来预测之用。 SVM模型在数学上写为这些SV的加权和,其数量而不是输入空间的维数定义了SVM的复杂性。由于这些SV的最终数量最多可以达到训练数据集大小的一半,因此SVM面临挑战,要求它们在节能的计算平台上运行。我们在这项工作中提出了“膝盖剪切SVM(KCSVM)”和“膝盖剪切序优化启发式SVM(KCOOSVM)”,它们使用有序内核值和统一子采样的软技巧来降低SVM的预测计算复杂度,同时保持对其通用化能力的可接受的影响。在来自UCL的多个数据库上进行测试时,KCSVM和KCOOSVM产生了可喜的结果,可与类似的已发布算法相媲美。



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