首页> 外文会议>Conference on empirical methods in natural language processing >Research Challenges in Building a Voice-based Artificial Personal Shopper - Position Paper

Research Challenges in Building a Voice-based Artificial Personal Shopper - Position Paper




Recent advances in automatic speech recognition lead toward enabling a voice conversation between a human user and an intelligent virtual assistant. This provides a potential foundation for developing artificial personal shoppers for e-commerce websites, such as Alibaba, Amazon, and eBay. Personal shoppers are valuable to the on-line shops as they enhance user engagement and trust by promptly dealing with customers' questions and concerns. Developing an artificial personal shopper requires the agent to leverage knowledge about the customer and products, while interacting with the customer in a human-like conversation. In this position paper, we motivate and describe the artificial personal shopper task, and then address a research agenda for this task by adapting and advancing existing information retrieval and natural language processing technologies.



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