首页> 外文会议>International conference on social computing and social media;International conference on human-computer interaction >Exploring Health Care Professionals' Attitudes of Using Social Networking Sites for Health Care: An Empirical Study

Exploring Health Care Professionals' Attitudes of Using Social Networking Sites for Health Care: An Empirical Study




Evidence from relevant studies show that the use of social networking sites or Web 2.0 portals in health care provide huge potential to transform traditional health care services, generating great collaboration, participation and openness. However, challenges of employing Web 2.0 for health care still exit. This empirical study uses semi-structured interview approach to explore health care professionals' attitudes towards using Web 2.0 portals for health care, especially focusing on specific social networking sites for chronic health care in China. Results present a range of positive attitudes of using the social networking sites to health professionals' clinical practice. Meanwhile, the opportunities and barriers related to use of such social networking sites into clinical practice are presented and discussed.
机译:相关研究的证据表明,在医疗保健中使用社交网站或Web 2.0门户具有巨大的潜力,可以改变传统的医疗保健服务,产生巨大的协作,参与和开放性。但是,将Web 2.0用于医疗保健的挑战仍然存在。这项实证研究使用半结构化访谈方法来探索医疗保健专业人员对使用Web 2.0门户进行医疗保健的态度,尤其是针对中国用于慢性医疗保健的特定社交网站。结果显示了使用社交网站对卫生专业人员的临床实践的一系列积极态度。同时,提出并讨论了与将此类社交网站用于临床实践相关的机会和障碍。



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