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Generation of critical mass in education: An approach based on multiple vortexes




Brazil is experiencing economic growth, with a strong demand for highly qualified professionals. In the capital of the Brazilian state of Amazonas, Manaus, the situation is critical. The lack of professionals is considered a major risk, and to prepare students is a real challenge as there are few undergraduate courses, and the typical dropout rate is very high. STEM education is intricately difficult and if the student is not well involved, supported and motivated, the chances of success are very low. To address this scenario, a qualification program denominated "multiple vortexes of know-how" was conceived to address three aspects: i) reduce student dropout; ii) enlarge the reachable community; iii) offer different levels of knowledge. Vortex is in essence an action, working interconnected and coordinated to other vortexes. Four different actions were prepared: classroom disciplines; a talent development program; holding short-term events, and enrolling in intensive training. This paper describes the first edition of the program, which was accomplished last year at the Institute of Computing at the Federal University of Amazonas. Up until now, the results are quite positive: over 600 students were involved and motivated with these new possibilities. Moreover, the goal of this paper is also to present the lessons learned so far.
机译:巴西正经历着经济增长,对高素质专业人才的强烈需求。在巴西亚马逊州马瑙斯州的首府,情况十分危急。缺乏专业人才被认为是主要风险,而准备本科生是一个真正的挑战,因为本科课程很少,而且典型的辍学率非常高。 STEM教育非常困难,如果学生没有很好地参与,支持和激励,那么成功的机会就非常低。为了解决这种情况,设计了一个名为“知识多涡旋”的资格认证程序,以解决三个方面的问题:i)减少学生辍学; ii)扩大可及社区; iii)提供不同级别的知识。从本质上讲,涡旋是一种动作,与其他涡旋相互联系并相互协调。准备了四项不同的行动:课堂纪律;人才发展计划;举办短期活动,并参加强化培训。本文介绍了该程序的第一版,该程序于去年在亚马逊州联邦大学计算研究所完成。到目前为止,结果还是非常积极的:超过600名学生参与了这些新的可能性并受到了这些新的可能性的激励。此外,本文的目的还在于介绍迄今为止的经验教训。



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