首页> 外文会议>IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference >Deconstructing remote laboratories to create Laboratories as a Service (LaaS)

Deconstructing remote laboratories to create Laboratories as a Service (LaaS)




The creation and publication of utilities as services (the most widely known being Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS, Platform as a Service, PaaS, and Software as a Service, SaaS) has been a hot topic of research and development for the recent years. They allow easy creation and deployment of infrastructures and applications which increase the versatility and usefulness of the Information Technology (IT) budgets of institutions that implement them. Therefore, this paper proposes the development of Laboratories as a Service (LaaS), which allow users of remote laboratories create versatile experiments adapted to their needs. These will be based on the deconstruction of remote laboratories, creation of clients, and selection of a container. An aeolian laboratory based on the Lego Mindstorms robotic kit is used as an example.
机译:实用程序即服务的创建和发布(最广为人知的是基础架构即服务,IaaS,平台即服务,PaaS和软件即服务,SaaS)是近年来研究和开发的热门话题。它们使基础架构和应用程序的创建和部署变得容易,从而提高了实施这些基础架构的机构的信息技术(IT)预算的多功能性和实用性。因此,本文提出了实验室即服务(LaaS)的发展,它允许远程实验室的用户创建适合其需求的多功能实验。这些将基于远程实验室的解构,客户的创建以及容器的选择。以基于Lego Mindstorms机器人套件的​​风沙实验室为例。



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