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Early Production Systems – When Do They Make Good Sense for Your Project?




Many teams believe an Early Production Systems(EPS) will be valuable for their offshore projects, butstruggle when asked to make the business case. Typically, if there is value in an EPS it is derived eitherfrom early resource sales and or providing information on key dynamic uncertainties in order to decidewhether and or how to optimize development. The latter often being the driver of value.As the industry moves to deeper and deeper waters, getting quality information on dynamic uncertaintiesgets more expensive and for some, cost prohibitive. As a result, companies either need to bewilling to sanction expensive developments with sizable risk (potentially bearing a higher risk tolerance)or find ways to make extended tests or Early Production Systems compelling financially in addition totechnically.The key dynamic uncertainties teams often want to reduce before sanctioning development arecompartmentalization, natural or enhanced drive mechanism and or initial production rate. Each is linkedto different decisions which can be optimized given uncertainty is reduced. Compartmentalization directlyaffects the number of development wells, drive mechanism affects the need for injection, associated wellcount and facilities and initial rate directly affects facility size.Ultimately, the key to deriving value from an EPS resides in its design, which includes the type of EPSvessel, the associated fiscal terms and the quality of the information gathered from the early productionsystem prior to finalizing development (Mastrangelo, et al. 2003, Valenchon, et al 2000). This includesthe tests and data to be collected, as well as the duration of the production period prior to making theimportant development decisions.This paper discusses the design aspects which drive value of an EPS and introduces a stepwiseapproach for teams to follow to frame and evaluate dynamic tests and EPS design options using a genericdeepwater case example. Alternatives ranging from a drill stem test (DST) to an EPS to a tie-back arecompared and sensitized to understand under which conditions each option might be worthwhile,ultimately providing information for an informed decision.
机译:许多团队认为,早期生产系统(EPS)对于他们的海上项目将很有价值,但是 当被要求提出业务案例时会遇到困难。通常,如果每股收益中有价值,则可以通过以下方式得出: 从早期的资源销售和/或提供有关主要动态不确定性的信息以决定 是否以及如何优化开发。后者通常是价值的驱动力。 随着行业向越来越深的领域发展,获得有关动态不确定性的质量信息 变得更昂贵,并且对某些人来说,成本过高结果,公司要么需要 愿意制裁具有重大风险的昂贵开发项目(可能具有较高的风险承受能力) 或找到方法使扩展测试或早期生产系统在财务上更具吸引力 从技术上讲。 在批准开发之前,团队通常希望减少的关键动态不确定性是 分区,自然或增强的驱动机制和/或初始生产率。每个都链接 在不确定性降低的情况下可以优化的不同决策。直接分隔 影响开发井的数量,驱动机制影响注入的需求,相关的井 数量和设施,初始费率直接影响设施的规模。 最终,从EPS获得价值的关键在于其设计,其中包括EPS的类型。 船只,相关的财务条款以及从早期生产中收集的信息的质量 系统在最终确定开发之前(Mastrangelo等,2003; Valenchon等,2000)。这包括 进行测试之前要收集的测试和数据以及生产期间的持续时间 重要的发展决定。 本文讨论了驱动EPS价值的设计方面,并逐步介绍了 团队遵循的使用通用方法来构架和评估动态测试和EPS设计选项的方法 深水案例。从钻杆测试(DST)到EPS到回扣的多种选择,包括 比较并敏锐地了解每种选择在哪些条件下可能值得, 最终为明智的决策提供信息。



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