
Open Discovery Space




Through the creative use of new technologies, effective content organization, and learning processes that respect local school problems, Open Discovery Space tries to address the challenge of the "social appropriation of knowledge" by empowering all school audiences, but mainly teachers, pupils and parents. The approach to be followed contributes to the development of self-esteem, an increased "sense of belonging", and an improved perception of one's own capacity to solve problems and contribute to the "construction of the surrounding community". These factors have been clearly related to the development of "social capital" and a greater degree of conviviality and peace. The school component and the community dimension of the project place an emphasis on developing certain key values and attitudes that play an important role in this process, such as the capacity of team work and a spirit of collaboration as a way of developing learning networks and communities. Consequently Open Discovery Space is promoting Open Education as key approach to opening up contents, learning and collaboration. The main outcome of this process will be the Open Discovery Space portal: a community-oriented social platform where teachers, pupils and parents will be able to discover, acquire, discuss and adapt eLearning resources on their topics of interest.
机译:通过发现性地使用新技术,有效的内容组织以及尊重当地学校问题的学习过程,Open Discovery Space试图通过赋予所有学校听众(主要是老师,学生和家长)的能力来应对“知识的社会占用”的挑战。 。遵循的方法有助于自尊的发展,增强的“归属感”和对自身解决问题能力的认识,并有助于“周围社区的建设”。这些因素显然与“社会资本”的发展以及更大程度的欢乐与和平有关。该项目的学校组成部分和社区规模着重于发展在此过程中起重要作用的某些关键价值观和态度,例如团队合作的能力和作为发展学习网络和社区的方式的协作精神。因此,开放发现空间正在促进开放教育,将其作为开放内容,学习和协作的关键方法。该过程的主要成果将是开放发现空间门户网站:这是一个面向社区的社交平台,教师,学生和家长可以在其中找到,获取,讨论和适应其感兴趣的主题的电子学习资源。


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