首页> 外文会议>AFRICON >A flexible algorithm for solving systems of circuit differential-algebraic equations with integrated Fortran 95 compiler for modeling

A flexible algorithm for solving systems of circuit differential-algebraic equations with integrated Fortran 95 compiler for modeling

机译:使用集成的Fortran 95编译器建模的灵活的算法,用于求解电路微分-代数方程组



Although many simulation tools contain advanced algorithms for the solution of the systems of differential-algebraic nonlinear equations, some classes of circuits still cause serious problems. In the paper, a very flexible and reliable algorithm for solving the circuit differential-algebraic equations is characterized first, which is based on a sophisticated arrangement of the Newton interpolation polynomial. After that, a reliable method is introduced for improving the convergence with four possible criteria. Unlike the similar algorithms focused on an operating point analysis only, the proposed method also works in a transient analysis. Moreover, for an ability of the procedure to model practically arbitrary electronic device, a subset of the Fortran 95 programming language was integrated to the circuit simulator with a power to differentiate functions symbolically.
机译:尽管许多仿真工具都包含用于求解微分代数非线性方程组的高级算法,但是某些类型的电路仍会引起严重的问题。本文首先基于牛顿插值多项式的复杂安排,对一种求解电路微分-代数方程的非常灵活且可靠的算法进行了表征。之后,介绍了一种可靠的方法,可以通过四个可能的标准来提高收敛性。与仅专注于工作点分析的类似算法不同,该方法也可用于瞬态分析。此外,由于该程序具有对几乎任意电子设备进行建模的能力,因此将Fortran 95编程语言的子集集成到了电路模拟器中,并具有象征性区分功能的能力。



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