首页> 外文会议>ASME international mechanical engineering congress and exposition;IMECE2011 >Annealing Temperature Effect on the Structure of High Thermal Conductivity Silver/Epoxy Nanocomposites

Annealing Temperature Effect on the Structure of High Thermal Conductivity Silver/Epoxy Nanocomposites




The thermal conductivity k of polymer nanoparticle composites is typically <10 Wm~(-1)K~(-1), even when high k nanofillers are employed, due to the thermal interface resistance between nanoparticles and the polymer matrix1 or the absence of high thermal conductivity pathways. We recently demonstrated high k in bulk nanocomposites of silver nanoparticles dispersed in epoxy and cured at low temperature (150 °C). A nanocomposite with 30 vol. % 20nm particles exhibited k ~30 Wm~(-1)K~(12) The mechanism responsible for enhancing k was found to be the self-construction, through in-situ sintering, of high aspect ratio metallic networks inside the nanocomposite. In order to control and optimize the network structure and subsequently increase k even further, this work focuses on studying the effects of curing temperature and nanoparticle surface coating on the structure of the nanocomposite.
机译:即使使用高k纳米填料,聚合物纳米粒子复合材料的导热系数k通常也小于10 Wm〜(-1)K〜(-1),这是由于纳米粒子与聚合物基体之间的热界面电阻1或不存在高导热系数。导热途径。我们最近展示了散布在环氧树脂中并在低温(150°C)下固化的银纳米颗粒的块状纳米复合材料中的高k值。 30vol。%的纳米复合材料。 %20nm颗粒表现出k〜30 Wm〜(-1)K〜(12)。发现增强k的机理是通过原位烧结纳米复合材料内部高纵横比金属网络的自构。为了控制和优化网络结构并随后进一步增加k,本工作着重研究固化温度和纳米颗粒表面涂层对纳米复合材料结构的影响。



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