
The Design of Battle Field Robot




The battle field robot is the robot of the future warfare . The future war will be fought with nuclear, chemical and Biological weapons, where it is difficult for human soldiers to fight the enemies. The battle field robot consists of CCD cameras for eye, servomotors for locomotion, Fuzzy neural network for the brain of the robot. The fuzzy rules are developed and stored in the microprocessor of the robot, and from the microprocessor the fuzzy rules are sent to the neural network, separate servo motors are placed at the locomotion points of the robot to achieve moments similar to the humans . The fuzzy neural network is trained by the three dimensional multilayered fuzzy neural network, the robot gets signal from the main computers which is placed in the military base. The kinematics of essential movements of the robot are derived with the free body diagram . The training of the neural network is also explained in this paper.



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