首页> 外文会议>2011 IEEE 9th Latin American Robotics Symposium and IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control >Locomotion rehabilitation platform with weight bearing relief for knee osteoarthritis

Locomotion rehabilitation platform with weight bearing relief for knee osteoarthritis




Major kinematic changes occurring in gait pattern in patients affected by osteoarthritis of the knee are due to pain which brings decreased physical activity and life quality impairment. Decreased physical activity generated by pain results in lower energy consumption, body weight rise and increase in knee load and pain. Reduction in weight-bearing load to treat the pain of osteoarthritis is well documented. In Tunja (Boyacá-Colombia) a weight bearing relief device is used by researchers to promote physical activity controlling load and decreasing pain. A platform will be used to control locomotive rehabilitation and asses the ideal load relief on osteoarthritis knee to promote physical activity, body weight reduction and symptoms improvement.



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