
Bottom-up device simulations: modeling electrical currents on the atomic scale




On the nanoscale, electrical currents behave radically different compared to on the microscale. As the active regions become comparable to or smaller than the mean-free path of the material, it becomes necessary to describe the electron transport by quantum-mechanical methods instead of using classical relations like Ohm's law. Over the past decade, methods for computing electron tunneling currents in nanosized junctions have evolved steadily, and are now approaching a position where they can provide real assistance in the development of novel semiconductor materials and devices. At the same time, the industry's demand for such solutions is rising rapidly to meet the challenges both above and under the 16 nm node. In this paper we provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art of the field of how to model electrical currents on the nanoscale, using atomic-scale simulations.
机译:在纳米尺度上,电流的行为与微观尺度上的行为根本不同。随着有源区变得等于或小于材料的平均自由程,有必要通过量子力学方法来描述电子传输,而不是使用欧姆定律之类的经典关系。在过去的十年中,用于计算纳米级结中电子隧穿电流的方法稳步发展,现在已接近可以为新型半导体材料和器件的开发提供真正帮助的位置。同时,业界对此类解决方案的需求正在迅速增长,以应对16 nm节点以上和以下的挑战。在本文中,我们概述了如何使用原子级仿真在纳米级上对电流建模的最新技术。



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