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Planning, Design and Construction of the Central Utah Water Conservancy District Water Development Project - CWP Pipeline

机译:犹他州中部水利区水开发项目的规划,设计和建设-CWP Pipeline



The Central Utah Water Conservancy District (District) is a political subdivision of the State of Utah originally charged with managing and operating the Central Utah Project, a federally funded water project. The District covers 10 counties of Utah and provides culinary and secondary water to a wide range of communities and water districts within these counties. They are primarily a water wholesaler and provide water to communities and other water districts. They operate several dams, reservoirs, canals, pipelines, tunnels, and water treatment plants.In 2005, the District opted to purchase about 42,000 acre-feet of groundwater rights, 23 existing wells, pipelines ,a pump station and other associated assets made available from the bankruptcy liquidation of the former Geneva Steel Plant which was located in Vineyard, Utah on the shore of Utah Lake. This purchase provided an opportunity to convert groundwater sources that had previously been used for industrial purposes into a municipal/industrial system by the District. The District then embarked on a study to determine the best way to use this resource.MWH Americas, Inc. was hired to assist the District in planning and implementing a program to use this water and other rights the District has accumulated over the years. After examining several options the District decided to develop their first non-federally funded system to develop and distribute this water to their customer's agencies.In an analysis of needs, it was determined that the majority of the communities that needed and wanted additional water for current and future growth were located north and west of Utah Lake in northern Utah County and Salt Lake County located to the north of Utah County. A system was developed to pump, store, and convey the water to potential end users. Figure 1 shows the basic concepts developed for the project. The project was named the Central Utah Water Conservancy District Water Development Project and given the short title of CWP.The CWP is designed to combine surface water treated at one of the District's existing water treatment plants, Utah Valley Water Treatment Plant, with groundwater developed from a series of new wells to be located on the former Geneva Steel Plant site and pump the water to a terminal reservoir located in Saratoga Springs, northwest of Utah Lake. A
机译:犹他州中部水利保护区(区)是犹他州的一个政治分支,最初负责管理和运营由联邦政府资助的水上项目犹他州中部项目。该地区覆盖犹他州的10个县,并为这些县内的许多社区和水区提供烹饪和二次水。他们主要是水批发商,并向社区和其他水区供水。他们经营着几座水坝,水库,运河,管道,隧道和水处理厂。 2005年,学区选择购买约42,000英亩-英尺的地下水权,23口现有井,管道,泵站和其他相关资产,这些资产可从位于犹他州Vineyard的前日内瓦钢铁厂的破产清算中获得。犹他湖的岸边。此次购买提供了将地区以前用于工业用途的地下水源转换为市政/工业系统的机会。然后,学区开始进行一项研究,以确定使用此资源的最佳方法。 聘请MWH Americas,Inc.协助该地区规划和实施一项计划,以使用该地区多年来积累的水和其他权利。在研究了几种方案之后,学区决定开发他们的第一个非联邦资助系统,以开发这种水并将其分配给客户的代理机构。 在需求分析中,确定大多数需要和想要额外的水以维持当前和未来增长的社区位于北部犹他州的犹他湖以北和西部,而位于犹他州北部的盐湖县。开发了一种系统,用于将水泵送,存储和输送给潜在的最终用户。图1显示了为该项目开发的基本概念。该项目名为犹他州中部水利区水开发项目,并简称为CWP。 CWP旨在将在学区现有的一家水处理厂(犹他谷水处理厂)中处理过的地表水与从位于前日内瓦钢铁厂所在地的一系列新井中开发的地下水相结合,并将水泵送至终端水库位于犹他湖西北部的萨拉托加温泉。一种



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