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Chinese question Classification using Multilevel Random Walk




Question classification is crucial for the automatically question answering. And Random Walk is a promising approach for semi-supervised learning problems of learning from labeled and unlabeled data. Given a set of points, some of them are labeled, and the remaining points are unlabeled, the goal is to predict the labels of the unlabeled points. Since labeling often requires expensive human labor, whereas unlabelled data is easier to obtain, semi-supervised learning is very useful in many real-world problems, such as text classification. Here we proposed an approach for Chinese question Classification using Multilevel Random Walk (MRK), which is an improvement of random walk. In this paper, we selected four kinds of features (words, pos, named entity, semantic) to present Chinese questions, and carried out experiments to validate the method on a large-scale real-world dataset.
机译:问题分类对于自动回答问题至关重要。对于从标签和未标签数据中学习的半监督学习问题,Random Walk是一种很有前途的方法。给定一组点,其中一些被标记,其余点未标记,目标是预测未标记点的标记。由于标记通常需要昂贵的人工,而未标记的数据更容易获得,因此半监督学习在许多现实世界中的问题(例如文本分类)中非常有用。在这里,我们提出了一种使用多级随机游走(MRK)进行中文问题分类的方法,它是对随机游走的一种改进。在本文中,我们选择了四种特征(单词,词性,命名实体,语义)来呈现中文问题,并进行了实验以验证该方法在大规模真实世界数据集上的有效性。



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