首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering >Economy is a transportation/spl I.bar/device: contrastive representation of source domain knowledge in English and Chinese

Economy is a transportation/spl I.bar/device: contrastive representation of source domain knowledge in English and Chinese

机译:经济是一个运输/ spl i.bar/device:英语和中文的源域知识对比表示



We offer a preliminary study of how knowledge may be represented differently in different languages. In particular, we account for the contrast between English and Chinese when identical target domain knowledge is represented with two different, yet related, source domains in each language. We incorporate corpora analysis in English and Chinese with SUMO to delimit the source domains identified using the conceptual mapping model (Ahrens. 2002). In particular, we investigate economy metaphors with the source domains of aeroplane and moving vehicle. These two source domains are found in Chinese and English respectively. Hence, we ask the question whether these source domains should be conflated under a general source domain such as TransportationDevice or should they form independent source domains. Our study addresses this issue by using the SUMO ontology as well as the mapping principles found in the corpora analysis. Our studies contribute to automatizing the source-target domain mappings in conceptual metaphors.
机译:我们提供了对如何以不同语言表示的知识如何表达的初步研究。特别是,当用每种语言中的两个不同但是相关的源域表示相同的目标域知识时,我们考虑了英语和汉语之间的对比。我们将Corpora分析与Sumo一起纳入了英文和中文,以限定使用概念映射模型所识别的源域(Ahrens.2002)。特别是,我们调查与飞机和移动车辆的源极域的经济隐喻。这两个源域分别在中文和英文中找到。因此,我们询问这些源域是否应在诸如TransportalDevice等总源域中混淆这些源域,或者应该形成独立的源域。我们的研究通过使用Sumo本体以及在Corpora分析中发现的映射原则来解决此问题。我们的研究有助于在概念隐喻中自动化源 - 目标域映射。



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