首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >An Empirical Study of the Impact of the Air Transportation Industry Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Projects on the Local Economy in China

An Empirical Study of the Impact of the Air Transportation Industry Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Projects on the Local Economy in China




Green development has been of particular interest to a range of industries worldwide, one of which being the air transportation industry (ATI). The energy conservation and emission reduction (ECER) projects of the ATI have a huge impact on the local economy. In this study, the input-output method was used to analyze the indirect economic impact of the implementation of the ECER projects of the ATI on the local economy of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region. We examined the direct benefits, backward spread effects, forward spread effects, and consumption multiplier effects. The final results showed that the comprehensive economic income from 2011–2013 in the BTH region reached RMB 4.74 billion. The results revealed that the ECER projects commissioned by the ATI were worth investing from both the economic and social benefits perspectives. To increase the green development effects and promote the sustainable development of the ATI, the special funds provided by the Civil Aviation Administration of China should be invested intensively in basic green technology research and setting green regulating and governance rules.
机译:绿色发展已引起全球范围内许多行业的特别关注,其中之一就是航空运输业(ATI)。 ATI的节能减排(ECER)项目对当地经济产生了巨大影响。在这项研究中,投入产出方法用于分析ATI的ECER项目的实施对京津冀地区经济的间接经济影响。我们研究了直接收益,后向传播效应,前向传播效应和消费乘数效应。最终结果显示,BTH地区2011-2013年的综合经济收入达到人民币47.4亿元。结果表明,从经济和社会效益的角度来看,ATI委托的ECER项目值得投资。为了提高绿色发展的效果,促进ATI的可持续发展,应将中国民航总局提供的专项资金集中用于基础绿色技术研究和制定绿色监管规则。



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