
My Internet




This paper describes a new type of search engine that allows the users to have more interaction and control of their Internet. Using the new search engine, we can treat Web pages and files on the Internet like files on our own disk directory. We can browse, organize, search, and even edit Internet files the same way as we do on our files. The proposed approach is to present the search results in a hierarchical structure much like a directory tree structure. This new approach not only allows the users to click on links, but also allows them to move a link from one folder to another. The proposed approach has four advantages: providing new ways for people to use the Internet, giving people more control of their search engine and their Internet, providing new ways to organize and classify Web pages found on the Internet, and providing new ways to capture the preferences of the Internet communities. The proposed approach to build a new type of search engine has been patented, implemented, and tested.



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